About Us
Dermatoglyphics MidBrain Research Centre
Dermatoglyphics MidBrain Research Centre(DMRC) is dedicated to developing and providing the best computer assisted behavioural and medical biometric assessment, profiling and diagnostic aids based on the study of Dermatolgyphics.
DMRC also provide training to Dermatoglyphics Consultants in advanced and innovative research methods, undertakes high-quality interdisciplinary research, and disseminates research findings that addresses significant global challenges.
Our Vision
The Vision of Dermatoglyphics MidBrain Research Centre is to benefit the public by certifying the DMRC® certification and upholding it as the recognized standard of excellence for Dermatoglyphics consultation and MidBrain training services.
DMRC is dedicated to develop a reliable and tested character and behavioural assessments suitable for use in human resource placement in industry, military, and commerce, education, personal adjustments, forensic sciences and career development. These assessments are based upon the individual biometric traits that one is born with.
Our Mission
With the broad goal of advancing Dermatogyphics research Worldwide, DMRC provides a platform for collaboration across the applied sciences of Dermatoglyphics.
Dermatolyphics MidBrain Research Centre seeks global Partners in future development, implementation and distribution of the programs and systems.