What is Multiple Intelligence ?

human brain

Medically it has been verified that the development of the brain, its lobes and fingerprints is done during the 7th and 21st week of pregnancy. Therefore there is a direct co-relation between the development of the brain and fingerprint. During the development the information is transcribed as our finger prints, that are unique for everyone.

With the Science of Dermatoglyphics one understands his or her hidden potential and talents. This is a science which studies the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. By analyzing dermatoglyphy, we can accurately understand the distribution and amount of cells in the left and right brain of the cell, and predict where the potential lies. Although everyone is bored with strengths and weaknesses; if they are identified early, we may further develop the strengths and improve our weakness, so that the left and right brain may grow in a more balanced and blend way.